
Mayor Emanuel's Retail Thrive Zones initiative is a three-year pilot program aimed at strengthening the economic vitality of eight neighborhood commercial corridors. Each of the Retail Thrive Zone corridors, located on the City’s South, Southwest, and West sides, have economic challenges, but they also have strong potential for growth. Within those corridors, the City will offer an evolving package of financial assistance to entrepreneurs and business.

By focusing on targeted areas, the City is able to roll out programs more quickly, experiment with new ideas, and expand those that are successful to other parts of the city.

See the current benefits for Thrive Zone businesses

What can I do with this site?

A main goal of the Retail Thrive Zones program is to make it easier for businesses to apply for financial incentives. This website is currently in its pilot phase, improving the accessibility of Class 7 property tax incentives and the Enterprise Zone Sales Tax Exemption.

Right now, you can:

What are the goals of the Retail Thrive Zones Program?

The bedrock of Mayor Emanuel’s economic development platform is to improve quality of life in our neighborhoods and combat the economic conditions that lead to crime, with a particular focus on communities that are not receiving private investment. The Thrive Zones program is intended to promote entrepreneurship, build community-based wealth and employment, and improve access to amenities in those neighborhoods. To do this, the City is working with local community organizations to implement a series of evolving initiatives.

In general, the Retail Thrive Zones program will focus on three goals:

  1. Catalyzing development by providing greater access to capital and financial incentives
  2. Reestablishing corridor health by activating underutilized real estate and making infrastructure improvements
  3. Creating community-based wealth and local jobs by supporting existing small business owners and new entrepreneurs

Interested in more information?

If you have questions or are interested in any of the Retail Thrive Zone programs or economic development incentives, please contact Mayor Emanuel’s Retail Thrive Zones Coordinator at RetailThriveZones@CityOfChicago.org.

For more information about the Retail Thrive Zone communities, please contact our neighborhood partner organizations:

Neighborhood Organization Email
Austin Austin African American Business Networking Association thrivezones@aaabna.org
Back of the Yards Back of the Yards Neighborhood Council thrivezones@bync.org
Bronzeville Quad Communities Development Corporation thrivezones@qcdc.org
Chatham (79th Street) Greater Chatham Initiative thrivezones@greaterchathaminitiative.org
Englewood Greater Englewood Community Development Corporation thrivezones@gecdc.org
South Shore Far South Community Development Corporation thrivezones@farsouthcdc.org
West Humboldt Park West Humboldt Park Development Council thrivezones@whpdevelopmentcouncil.net
West Pullman Far South Community Development Corporation thrivezones@farsouthcdc.org